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Temperature, humidity and light are a Photopolymer film’s worst enemies. By time, they cause deterioration and eventually damage to the negatives. Rescuing a decaying film is a long and costly process, fortunately, the digital era has arrived and we are here to use its benefits. We preserve your memories by digitizing all your old pictures, videos, projector slides, x-rays, medical records, turntable records and documents. We promise to replace your heaps of Kodak film rolls, whole albums or piles of pictures and of course your obsolete space consuming videotapes, with a single flash memory stick
Hurry up before your films further decompose

Stuck with these formats?..we have the solution


Video Tapes

Turntable Records

X-rays & Medical records

Photos & Slides


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We Convert Video Tapes, Photos, Slides, Negatives, Documnts and X-rays
to digital formats on flash memory or DVD

Now you can enjoy watching your family's favourite memories again, from the birth of your children to their graduation, wedding and beyond .
it's easy with Digitera . You may even uncover some amazing family footage that you forgot even existed . 

Don't wait until it's too late, chances are your tapes, film and photos have already started to degrade.

So what are you waiting for....